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Farm Feature: Village Market at Waldorf

This month, our farm feature features one of our farmer's markets. The very welcoming, local, friendly and healthy Village Market at Waldorf is currently run by Brooke (who also sits on the York Farm Fresh Association board). 

Tell me about the beginning of the Village Market at Waldorf. 

The market was started in 1993 by two teachers as a fundraiser for the Toronto Waldorf School and to support local organic farms. I believe it began after school on a weekday before being moved to Saturdays.Waldorf is committed to a holistic approach and holding a farmers’ market makes sense as it supports the earth, local community and humans!

I currently run the market as an independent venture and rent space from the school. The Toronto Waldorf School is an enthusiastic and steadfast supporter of the market and local farms.

What are your visions for the future of the market?

I hope to grow the market to support more local organic practicing farmers and producers while holding more events similar to our community basket weave at the end of September. During a market both customers and vendors wove strands to create a basket to be auctioned off in support of TWS initiatives.

So, take some time on a weekend between now and the end of November and take a trip to this lovely farmer's market where you will feel welcome and have a great experience.


© York Farm Fresh Association 2024

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