Late summer Fruit
Late summer brings apples, plums, grapes and more. The York Farm Fresh members listed below grow and sell these fruits.

1 - 19th Avenue Farmers Market - 2931 - 19th Avenue
3 - Applewood Farm - 12416 McCowan Road
6 - Brooks Farms - 122 Ashworth Road
15 - Homestead Orchards - 3961 Old Homestead Road
20 - Marques Family Farm - 365 King Street
23 - Pine Farms Orchard - 2700 - 16th Sideroad
29 - Round the Bend Farm - 16225 Jane Street
30 - Sandy's Farm - 4283 King-Vaughan Road
31 - Sharon Creek Farm - 18805 - 2nd Concession
32 - Sharon Orchards Farm Market - 18359 Woodbine Avenue
35 - Strawberry Creek Farm Market - 17471 Woodbine Avenue