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Passport to fresh routes

Our Passport to Fresh routes are designed for easy access to local, healthy food.

Route A takes us through beautiful King Township. Produce, honey and turkey! What else could you need?⁠ Farms and season opening dates:⁠ ⁠ @robintidefarms - mid-June⁠; - May;⁠ @millvalleyfarm - July 1;⁠ @pioneerhoney - open year round;⁠ - May⁠; @roundthebendfarm - open year round⁠.

Route B takes you from King City into the Holland Marsh, one of Canada's most significant agricultural regions. Ready to eat meals, garden supplies, farm fresh eggs, produce and even local wine are available. ⁠ ⁠ Farm names and season open dates:⁠ ⁠ @pine_farms_orchard - open year round;⁠ @blackforestgardencentre - open year round;⁠ @hollandmarshwineries - open year round;⁠ @60aileen - open in June;⁠ @marquesfamilyfarm - open year round;⁠ @homesteadeggs - open year round⁠. ⁠ ⁠

Route C starts in Markham to Newmarket and East Gwillimbury. Produce, honey, orchards, organic farming and locally raised meats can all be found.⁠ ⁠ Farms and season open dates:⁠ ⁠ @19thavenuefarmersmarket - April; ⁠ @circlinghawkfarm - open year round;⁠ @strawberrycreekfarmmarket - June;⁠ Sharon Orchard Farm Market - mid September⁠; @sharoncreekfarm - April; ⁠Howard's Farm - open year round⁠.

Route D is a country drive from Mount Albert in East Gwillimbury through Georgina and the south Lake Simcoe lakeshore. Grass fed meats, fresh cut flowers and generational orchards. ⁠ ⁠ Farms and seasonal open dates:⁠ ⁠ @aenaturalmeats - open year; round⁠ Holtrop Family Farms - mid July; ⁠ @cloverhillflowers - online from April⁠; @homesteadorchard - June;⁠ @clearwaterfarmontario - Saturdays - July / August⁠; @hutchingsfarms - open year round.

Route E runs from East Gwillimbury and Mount Albert to just inside the Durham Region border. Tasty french fries, fresh cut flowers, farm activities and honey along the route. ⁠ ⁠ Farms and season open dates:⁠ ⁠ @rosefamilyfarmca - June; ⁠ @niemifamilyfarm - April;⁠ @thompsonpotatofarm - open year round⁠; @brooksfarms - open year round⁠; Staite's Honey - open year round;⁠ @coopscsafarm - open year round.

Route F starts in South Markham and heads through Whitchurch-Stouffville. Field fresh veggies, baked goods, strawberries, the world's best sweet corn and duck are available. ⁠ ⁠ Farms and season open dates:⁠ ⁠ @judystropicalgarden - August;⁠ @reesorsfarmmarket - June;⁠ @applewoodfarmstouffville - June⁠; @belicious.products - open year round⁠; @kingcoleducks - open year round;⁠ @simpsonfamilyfarms - open year round.⁠ ⁠


© York Farm Fresh Association 2024

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